Webserver configuration



TODO (Should be very similar to the first steps of FastCGI setup..)


Add this to your config:

DirectoryIndex wakaba.html

<Directory "/path/to/wakarimasen">
    Options +ExecCGI

Choose either mod_fastcgi:

LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.so
<IfModule fastcgi_module>
  AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi

Or mod_fcgid:

LoadModule fcgid_module modules/mod_fcgid.so
<IfModule fcgid_module>
    AddHandler fcgid-script .py .fcgi


CGI with fcgiwrap

See this page for fcgiwrap installation details.

Then add this to the server block:

index wakaba.html;
include /etc/nginx/fcgiwrap.conf;

You should ensure that fcgiwrap.conf includes a location block, and that it matches wakarimasen.py (sometimes it’s limited to .cgi files). If it doesn’t have a location block, put that include inside one:

location /wakarimasen.py {
    include /etc/nginx/fcgiwrap.conf;

If you don’t do this, fcgiwrap might do weird stuff like throwing ‘502 bad gateway’ errors for most files.

FastCGI servers

Recent versions of wakarimasen have TCP and unix socket based standalone fastcgi servers. To use them, start wakarimasen.py like this:

# start a tcp fcgi server with the default settings, in
python wakarimasen.py fcgi_tcp

# bind tcp fcgi server to a certain ethernet interface, port 9001
python wakarimasen.py fcgi_tcp 9001

# start a unix socket fcgi server in /tmp/derp
python wakarimasen.py fcgi_unix /tmp/derp

In the nginx config:

index wakaba.html;
location /wakarimasen.py {
    include /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf;
    fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/derp;

    # or: fastcgi_pass;

When using unix sockets, check that the file is readable by the nginx user.

Nginx doesn’t have a fastcgi process spawner. You’ll have to write a init script, a systemd unit, or use something like supervisor.

Or just leave the thing running in a tmux/screen session, only to find a few weeks later that your wakarimasen has been offline for a long time because your server mysteriously rebooted.



Just add this to the config:

server.modules += ("mod_cgi")
cgi.assign = (".py"  => "/usr/bin/python2")
index-file.names += ("wakaba.html")

As an nginx fanboy I’m slightly annoyed at how easy this was.




uWSGI is probably the best deployment setup. It can also be the most complex to setup. This document is not going to cover the details, but you can check the uWSGI docs. In particular:

  • The quickstart gives a rough outline of the process.
    • Note: wakarimasen can’t run directly with the uwsgi http server for now, you need to put it behind a real webserver.
    • Note: The uwsgi “network installer” is awesome, try it out.
  • Using the emperor can raise the enterpriseness of your setup significantly.
  • The web server integration page gives several alternatives for each server.
    • There are a few modules for apache. You have to grab them from the uwsgi git repo and run the specified apxs command to compile and install.
    • Nginx has built-in support of uwsgi. That page describes how to use it.

More detailed instructions soon™